Poem: Black - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Poem: Black

Poem: Black

Who should we blame for our disaster? 
Black hates Black, Black don’t care about Black,
Black kills Black, Black kidnaps Black,
Black cheats Black, Black despises Black,
Black always find the downfall of other blacks,
Black don’t help black, Black steals from Black,
Black don’t believe in Black, Black sees no future in Black,
Black fights Black, Black murders black,
In spite of all these we are yet pleased.
But white calls us black and we fired up,
We say we are not black,
Meanwhile we ourselves call black darkness,
Tell me, which is worse?
Black sees an empty vessel but white sees a tool for building their nation,
Black sees a useless fellow but white sees potential to create a better future for themselves,
Black kills Black but white enslaves black.
Tell me, who should we blame for our misfortune?
Black who prefers to be slave in foreign land than to build his home,
Or white who enslaves him to build his home?
Black who kills his brother or white who provides weapons?
Racism amongst black splits her,
But when she is casted aside by white she cries bitterly,
Tell me, who should we blame for our bifurcation?
Brother that sought to kill his brother or a stranger that helps chase him to death?
Who should we blame for our ill-lucks?
Brother who poisons his brother or a stranger who helps slaughter him?
We want to change other’s perspective of us,
But we ourselves have a black mentality about us.
We are black in color but are we black in reasoning too?
Why should hatred cover our sense of reasoning?
We know what is right but we refuse to do it.
Who should we blame for our ill-fates?
We are the cause of our catastrophes 
Because we don’t appreciate ourselves,
We don’t see anything good in us,
When we look at ourselves all we see is darkness,
Nothing but pure darkness implanted in our minds by the hatred we breed,
If we don’t build our home who will build it for us?
Have you ever think of what you can do for your country?
For Africa at large?
Remember the words of Barack Obama,
Change will not come if we wait for other persons or some other times.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
We are Africa, We are Black! Because Black is Beautiful!!!
Read also: The wanderer

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