The Unspoken Words - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Unspoken Words

The Unspoken Words
Poem: The Unspoken Words

What a beautiful face,
But deep inside lies an unhealing wound,
A wound so deep that it will take a long time to heal,
A wound created by a broken trust,
Refreshing daily by a memory of betrayal,
But on the outside a look of an angel,
Such a charming look that wipes all pains away,
A look of reassurance and confidence,
But deep inside, a disturbed soul,
Drowning daily in it's unshed tears,
A look of courage and hope,
But inside, a wandering heart,
Blindened by the unspoken words,
It spreads joy everywhere it goes,
But deep inside, so lonely and cold,
It speaks words of comfort,
But on the inside itself seeks comfort,
It restores hope to others,
But itself needs to be reassured,
It needs someone to say to it that all will be fine,
It needs to be assured that everything will fall into place,
Sadly, everything noticed was the smiling face,
But beyond the look lies a deserted world,
Filled with happy memories,
A world of happiness and laughter,
But now desolate,
Dying slowly of those unspoken words,
Burying alive by the unshared pains,
Fading into memories from not gaining attention,
Yet the smiles never fade,
Until it's swallowed in it's own pains.
And all was remembered were the smiles.

Love is pain, many times we wishes for what we can never have. Ever been in that situation? Read I wish, a story of love and pain.

Don't forget to follow @penoflight on Twitter.

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