Sholly Young's Blog is Rebranding!!! - The Pen of Light

The Light to Guide Content Writers

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Monday, January 24, 2022

Sholly Young's Blog is Rebranding!!!

The Pen of Light

Hi there, welcome to my blog! I'm so excited to be writing this post, and I hope you guys are too. It's been a long time since I wrote here, so let me start by wishing you all a happy new year.

I am so happy to be back after such a long time, trust me I'm not going anywhere soon. With the rebranding and restrategizing, I'm staying for a very long time. However, there are a few things you should know about the return of Sholly Young's blog as the Pen of Light.

I want to assure you all that my return will be nothing but blockbusters to everyone that comes across this blog. To achieve this, I have put some exciting and interesting plans into place. So, relax and enjoy the rollercoaster of my return because I'm going to enjoy it too.

What's New About The Pen of Light?

As I've said above, I'm bringing with me a plethora of exciting new developments and insightful contents that'll be beneficial to all. But what are these "new exciting developments" really are? 

For a start, there are things about this blog that has changed, there are things that will cease to be, and new things that are coming in. The rebranding of Sholly Young's blog as The Pen of Light is nothing but a redefined effort to grow alongside other aspiring writers as well as those seeking to improve their writing skills. Trust me, the blockbusters in stock are beneficial to aspiring writers and seasoned writers alike. After all, no one is a highland of knowledge.

Unlike before when this blog is focused on creating random inspirational contents, quotes, and the likes, I am focusing majorly on giving impactful tips on content writing, and maybe WordPress development (not certain yet though). Of cause, there will be other random posts that you'll love.

Basically, I am introducing two new major content categories and there are more to come as time goes by. The first category is what I themed Laregnosis and the second is christened Word Crush Wednesday (WCW). Let's take a look at these new features one by one.

What is Laregnosis?


In psychology, we have therapy. In tech and computing, we have troubleshoot, and in medicine we have diagnoses. But what do we have in content writing? Well, don't worry because you now have Laregnosis!

Literally, Laregnosis is an amalgamation of two words, 'Lare and 'gnosis. The former is the last two syllables of my first name "Damilare" while the latter is derived from the word "Diagnosis".

In a nutshell, Laregnosis means a content writing diagnostic session with 'Lare. It is a bi-weekly digest where we will be discussing the core of content writing as a skill and sharing interesting facts about writing in its entirety.

As an aspiring content writer, you surely don't want to miss out on this. As I've pointed out above, the goal is to grow alongside other aspiring and seasoned content writers. So ensure to tap into this activity to get the best out of yourself. Don't go anywhere, stay right here and enjoy this exciting new development.

Word Crush Wednesday (WCW)

Word Crush Wednesday

An important aspect of writing is the use of words and how effectively you can use them to communicate and interact with your audience. As such, it is pertinent to have an in-depth knowledge of words you use or will use in your writings.

Understanding homophones, homonyms, and other conflicting words are essential factors to carry your audience along. What about the use of jargon and industry-specific terms? These are basic knowledge you need to become an outstanding content writer.

Word Crush Wednesday is not just a weekly activity to cruise with words, we will take a careful and in-depth study of a plethora of English words. We will analyze their meaning, thesaurus, homophones, homonyms, and most importantly, the different ways they can be used. And oh, it's always Wednesday or no other day.

See You This Wednesday

I initially planned to make this article shorter, but then, it's best to give a clear-cut of what is coming, hence the long words.

I want to believe you're as excited as I am about these new developments on The Pen of Light. So, stay tuned for the first episode of Word Crush Wednesday this Wednesday as we take a look at our very first English word in this content category. Let's hear what your expectations are for these two new categories, kindly leave a comment below. Till Wednesday, I love y'all, xoxoxo!


  1. I really love this.
    I have been looking for where and who will teach me how to write good contents.

    Finally, I have found one and I hope I will get the best out of this.


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