Word Crush Wednesday Episode 1: Vendetta - The Pen of Light

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Word Crush Wednesday Episode 1: Vendetta

Hi there, welcome to the first episode of Word Crush Wednesday (WCW) where we'll be feeding on a series of English words and have a deeper understanding of those words. Today I have for you, a trisyllabic English word that originated from Latin in the mid 19th century, Vendetta.






Noun: A feud between two families or clans that arises out of a previous murder of a family member as a retaliatory act of revenge.

2. A series of acts attacking or attempting to injure another: launched a vendetta against his harshest critics in the media.

Verb: A private feud in which the relatives of a murdered person seek vengeance by killing the murderer or some member of his family.

2. a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.


Vendetta is an English word of Latin origin that was first used in the mid 19th century to refer to feuds between different clans or families.

Since its first usage, the word has extended in meaning to depict all forms of feudalistic acts. The word was borrowed from an Italian word that means revenge. Ultimately, it traces to the Latin verb vindicta, which equally has the same meaning as revenge.

The word of Latin origin is closely related to a number of other English words that depict vengeance and retaliation. Some of these words have been included in the thesaurus section below.


1. He waged a personal vendetta against his rivals in the Senate.

2. No one remembers how the vendetta between the families began, but it will only end when the desire for revenge is not heeded.

3. Multiple rounds seemed senseless, almost like someone had a vendetta against grizzlies or a grudge.


Other words that could use in place of Vendetta include: blood feud, feud, enmity, gripe, vengeance, tirade, dispute, fight, squabble, quarrel, avenge, and feud.


Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation as a particular word, hence they're most likely to be mispronounced or miswritten.

There hasn't been any word that has the same sound as Vendetta, however, some words have close pronunciation as this word, some of them include: vended, fended, and vented.

See You Next Week

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If you don't, it's okay. This is just the first episode and there are many more interesting and educational episodes to come. So, leave us a comment and let us know what your expectations are and how we can improve. Till next well, stay giddy. Xoxoxo!

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