A Heartbreaking Message - The Pen of Light

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Heartbreaking Message

You looked me in the eyes and told me you loved me,
You held my face and kissed me passionately,
I believed you because I thought you were real,
I gave you my heart, my love and everything I have,
But then I realized you were fake.
The love you claimed, 
The trust I have in you and everything we shared, you have broken.
I gave you my heart and you shattered it to pieces,
I trusted you but you have broken the trust,
I gave you my love but you trampled it on the ground,
I thought of you as a nice person
But never knew you were such a callous being.
My heart is heavy with pains,
My eyes are short of tears,
I cried out my heart.
I worn myself out with cries,
It hurts to see you leaving without looking back.
I remember your promises and cried the more
You are the one I have truly loved.
You have always been the sunshine of my days,
The moon in my nights,
The light upon my paths
And the happiness in my life.
But today, you become the darkness in my light
And the pains in my heart.
I Hate You!

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