Making the World a Better Home - The Pen of Light

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Making the World a Better Home

The world will be a better home if:
We never let race divide us,
We never allow color to separate us,
We believe we come from the same source (Adam and Eve)
We believe there is no Christianity or Islam,
That we all worship the same Living God,
We stop preaching religion and start preaching Love, Peace and Unity,
We eliminate racism and not racists,
We eliminate feminism and not feminists,
We believe we are one,
We chose to live with oneness and unity,
There is no difference between the black and the white,
And between Christianity and Islam,
And between male and female,
We eliminate inferiority and superiority,
We see God in each other,
We see ourselves as one,
We live like we don’t own our lives,
We live for each other,
We live a brotherly life,
Then we will make our home a peaceful place and the world a better home.
Live with Love, Live Selflessly, Live for Others.

Olusola Damilare E.

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