The Situation of Churches Today - The Pen of Light

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Situation of Churches Today

I thought about the situation of churches and Christianity today and I felt so heartbroken. Then I asked, ‘where is Christianity going?’ I wonder what Christianity has become with swift increase in the number of churches in our community and countless pastors.

The question is, ‘how do we know God called pastors?’ The churches are increasing daily just as crime increase. More churches less faith, more pastors more criminal. To be frank, churches today has become a business firm and a source of income rather than the main purpose which is the salvation of souls. I was speaking with a pastor sometimes ago, I won’t mention his church, he said he preaches wealth because that was what his senior pastors a preaching and that has become his calling. They preach wealth instead of salvation of souls. They will tell you to possess your possession.

Creating church is now very easy as long as you can read the bible, you don’t have to go to pastors’ or bible school, many pastors don’t even have time to read bibles again, you will see a pastor preparing the homily and the next thing is to google for the topic he’s planning to speak on, then he prints it out and read out to the congregation, no preparation, no inspiration.

The pastors today are the foundation of corruption, can you imagine a reverend of a branch not even headquarters who mismanaged or rather embezzled millions of naira from the church, and how much does the church really have? Senators are receiving thirty million naira monthly and not all of them have private jet and pastors are with private jets, where did it come from? Is it from Tithes, Offerings, Collection, or gift? I have said this before and people defend them saying most properties are always gift, but who will give out a jet, I am not talking of Rang Rover or Bugatti here, I mean a JET. You are a pastor and you have a private jet and you expect me to believe you are a real pastor? Never! If you say I’m insulting men of God, well that is left to God to judge me if he really call them.

They will tell you salvation is not free, you buy it. I’m not even surprise when receipts are being issued for deliverance, then what do we expect?

Well, I don’t blame the pastors too much, we the Christians today we want to serve Christ without Cross, and Prayer without Faith, then they tell us what we are ready to here and when we are told we become happy, ‘happy fools’. Then I remember the word of Jesus Christ when he said ‘when the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?’ Answer this question; will Jesus find faith on earth when he comes? Absolutely NO! Because Christians no longer have faith, they run after lies and where wealth is being preached. And when they see someone preaching the message of God they laugh and mock him.

Another thing, these people who are stealing money, after stealing it where do they take the money to? Church, isn’t it? Yes it is, but we call it tithes. A man pays a million naira as tithe and you say it is God work, Oh Yes! It is indeed the work of God, and a wonderful one at that. We have revivals, crusades, and vigils, not to preach the message of God but to raise funds and collection, imagine a crusade or conference of over one million people in attendance, and calculate how much they will raise from ordinary offering if they pay at least fifty naira, not talking about the main collection and seed sowing, Christians what is wrong with us? Pastors what have we turn the message of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ to? To be rich or to save people?

We Christian should be very careful of wolf in sheep’s skin, thieves who call themselves pastors, we hid corruption because they sponsor of projects and pays a very huge amount as their tithes, we never listen to the word of God neither do we preach to them or even expose their corrupt practice. The humanity is so doom! Faithful Christians where are you? Let us wake up from our sleeps and slumbers and face the reality and stop being fooled. Let’s stop folding arms as if there is nothing we can do, we can do something, a wonderful one too, if we stop looking for sweet talks, if we stop letting them deceive us, if we are ready to face the devil and challenge assholes claiming to be pastors. I tell you, if you read your bible, pray regularly and follow what the bible tells you and you are not save, then you can’t be save anywhere, what I mean is what you already have what you are searching for, so you need not run around. Let’s stop folding arms and start making changes.

I expect lots of defense and reactions, and to be insulted. Well, you are free to say whatever you have in mind.

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