The Negligence Of Government In The Educational System - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Negligence Of Government In The Educational System

The negligence of the government in the education system is becoming alarming, should we say they have forgotten what Diogenes says that ‘The Foundation of every state is the Education of youth’? But they know and it is obvious they do, but they chose to show unconcern rather than making the education of the country a better one. They should know that any country that shows no concern for education of their youth is in peril and a doom one as well.

Have they forgotten that the youths today will surely become the leaders today? No, they haven’t but they wish that never happen, and that is why they show no concern for the youth education. These greedy, stupid & selfish political leaders always send their children to school overseas because they are aware of what they had turn the education of this country to. They train their children to be leaders and wish their subject to continue being servants. That is why they pay millions of naira to pay a child’s school fee for a year overseas.
Back here in Nigeria, schools embark on strikes upon strikes, yet, nothing is done to it. Lecturers work in hunger, even when the bible says “He who work deserves to eat.” And that ‘the sweat of a laborer shall not dry before receiving his wages.’ Some owe 14 months’ salary and even more despite series of bailout given to them, they choose to pay irregular half salary even when they themselves receive their regular full salary from the country they never serve with their hearth.
There is rapid increase in school fee, so that it becomes hard for the poor to go to school. Honestly, the future of this country is in doom. Maybe they don’t know that the peace and happiness of their children they so much want to succeed is in the hand of the youths you show know concern for. They give them guns to be thugs, but the guns will be used to disturb the peace of their children.
William Pitt says “Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the mind of those who possess it” and we want corruption to end even when they make political power a family post.
Come to the grassroots of education, you will see a school with 5 teachers or even less. I heard of a primary school where the total number of staff including the headmaster is three (3). George Clemenceau says “It is easier to make war than to make peace.” Likewise it is easier to destroy than to construct, which means it is easier to destroy the education sector than to repair it. And don’t forget what the bible says that “When the foundation if destroyed, what can a righteous do?” The situation of the Nigeria’s education system is so alarming and which calls for immediate attention.
This selfish people know that “Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave.” But they need people that will be easily driven around like a slave, and for this they make the education miserable so that they will be able to drive them around easily as they want and able to enslave them. But don’t forget that the peace of you and your children is in the hand of the youths of this nation.

Written By: Olusola Damilare E.

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