Time Difference - The Pen of Light

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Time Difference

The default time on my phone is 1hour 55minutes faster than the normal time and I chose not to reset it. Then someone saw the time and observe the weather and laughed at my time, then I told her the real time from the time on the phone then I show her the time from my wrist watch. Then, I realized that I am the only one that could tell the real time by the time on the phone. Then I began to think, and I receive the inspiration to write about “TIME.
Every human person has his/her own personal time designed for him/her to follow, but we should all know that our times are not the same. There is no way our time could ever be the same because our purpose and destiny in this life is never the same. But many people want to follow another person’s time, then they out ran/miss their time. Taking my time as the case study, I realized that anyone who follows the time will surely run beyond time thinking time has left them behind, whereas the are at the right time.
Many people in life chose to watch another person’s time, they compare themselves with them meanwhile they forget their time is different. Maybe you don’t know, comparing yourself and status with another person means following their time.
The following points should show us that our time is different:
§  The difference in the world time shows that our time is different. God knows this and he made them so different that the time of Ghana is different to that of Nigeria and New York’s time is different from that of United State.
§  The ‘Morning, Afternoon, and Evening’ time of the day. In a day, we have different time during the day. This isn’t just co-incidence; it tells us that our time is different. Some are chosen for morning, some for evening, and some for night.
§  The different in season of the year. In life, we have different season to guard every of our thoughts and day-to-day activity. And there are season and time for everything we do, and that is why the Bible says ‘There is time for everything and for everything there is a season’. There is time for planting and time for harvesting, time to plan and time to act, time to work and time to rest. And many other instances.
Many people have made a lifetime mistake because they follow another person’s time. Yoruba people will say ‘He who work with another person’s time will surely work to death’. When you see your colleague doing things you are unable to do at that time, tell yourself that it’s his/her time and your time is coming.
If your class mates are all in higher institution, know that you have different time and you are not to run with their time so as not to regret at the end. A Yoruba adage says ‘before gold become shinning it passes through fire’, the time it is being purify is a stage of its life and when the stage passes away, it becomes people’s choice and people find it with their lives. That moment you seems to have a little delay is a moment of purification so that you may become shinning than your mates that had gone before.
If your mates have been promoted, know that you are two different sets people with different agenda and time, if their promotion is faster than yours you don’t have to be worried; all you need is pray and wait for your own time. When Gold has been purified, it becomes more important than Silver and people find it by all mean, when your time has come, people will be finding you by all means.
No matter what the situation may be in life, know that ‘God’s time is the Best’ and that your purposes in life are different and likewise your time. Don’t work with other people’s time, work on your time and hope for a bright future. Thanks.

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