Be Fulfilled - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Be Fulfilled

Coming from work, I started thinking of what I can give as new month gift, then a word that can  my mind and I am writing about the word and the word is FULFILLMENT. Then I began to ask myself these questions:

-          What is fulfillment?
-          How can you be fulfilled?
-          How will know if you are fulfilled?
-          How can you be fulfilled in this month of JUNE?

So I have decided to start my writing with the meaning of fulfillment and how you can be fulfilled in this month of June and everyday of your life.

What Is Fulfillment? Fulfillment means to be satisfied with whom you are and what you have. A fulfilled man is a man that is happy, pleased and contented with who he is and what he has.
Fulfillment is the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted, it is the satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character. In other word, Fulfillment can also said to be the meeting of a requirement or condition; it is the fulfillment of statutory requirements.
Many people do think that it is only when you are rich, when you have many houses and cars that you are fulfilled, but that is quite wrong. Many rich people you see are just rich but are not fulfilled, wealth doesn’t mean fulfillment because it can’t earn you happiness, only fulfillment can. So hold this very tight in this month of June that it is not what you have that make you fulfilled but what you have achieved.
How Can One Be Fulfilled? When you are fulfilled it means you have reached the climax, the zenith of your mindset, it mean you have achieved the goals you aimed for. A man may have five houses and ten cars but still not fulfilled and someone may just have a car and a house and be fulfilled; why is that so? It is because we have different mindset and purpose. Imagine a man whose primary aim is to become the president of the federation and has just become the governor of a state and you will be feeling like ‘Oh this man is bloody rich’, or ‘Oh this man is fulfilled’, but NO! He is not, not until he becomes the president he is not fulfilled and will keep struggling until he becomes the president; and if he didn’t become it till he dies, then he is not fulfilled in life. But note this very well that it is not only when you are rich that you can be fulfilled.
How to Know If You Are Fulfilled: How can you know whether you are fulfilled or not? To know if you are fulfilled as a man purpose and vision in this month of June and always you must try to observe and follow the points below:
i.                    Ask yourself this question What is my purpose in his month?’ This is what will direct and guild you in achieving your goals and in turns being fulfilled
ii.                  Answer the question sincerely. You must be able to answer the question above correctly and sincerely before you can be able to work towards achieving the purpose.
iii.                Plan on how to achieve it: Good planning is what you need, you need to sit down and plan on how easily you can achieve the purpose for this month so that you will be able to share the testimony of fulfillment at the end of this month.
iv.                Work towards the goal: After you have asked yourself the question and answered it correctly, then you will have to work toward it. You cannot sit and fold your arms and expect thing to happen, you must make them happen.
v.                  Have a mindset every day: You should be able to know if you will be fulfilled on your purpose for this month from step iii above. But if you don’t or if you do, you can still apply this step. If it seems to be a hard task and can’t achieve it within a swift, kindly divide this purpose on your day-to-day activities and make sure you achieve the goal for the day, by so doing you are achieving it day by day and at the end of the day you will be fulfilled.
vi.                Lastly, Check yourself everyday: At the end of each day, seat yourself down and reflect on how you spent your day. If you achieve the goal for the day, congratulations and if you don’t note that you have a carry over and work towards it the following day, by so doing you will be fulfilled.
These steps given above can be applied to any plan you may have, try applying the steps in the beginning of the year, beginning of the month, beginning of the week and even before going out everyday and you will be fulfilled.
Thanks for reading this. I hope it has blessed you, if YES! Kindly share so that others may benefit from you and don’t forget to leave a comment to appreciate the writer. And don’t forget to subscribe for our newsletter. Thanks for reading!

Happy New Month! Have a Pleasant and Fulfilled Days of the Month!! BE FULFILLED!!!

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