The Fight Against Corruption: How To - The Pen of Light

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Fight Against Corruption: How To

The word "Corruption" is more than just embezzlement of funds or illegal possession of arms or bribery. It is a word that has a deeper meaning than we think. Corruption entails many little act of ours that we never take serious. Therefore, fighting corruption is not what a man could do, or just a mere word. Fighting corruption starts from standing up against our little act of supporting a backing up what we know it's not right.
Failing to speak or stand against injustice, bribery, unfaithfulness of any form is corruption. And it should not be left untold that many of us are corrupt and are not even ready to change our ways.

The Holy Book says "When the foundation is destroyed, what can a righteous do?" Which means, when we are corrupt inside, how can we fight corruption outside? Fighting corruption, as I've said is not a one man's business, it is a collective work. Fighting corruption should start inside our own house. We should equally know that we can't change a man unless we are a changed man ourselves which means we can't succeed in eliminating corruption unless we change our corrupt acts.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." says Martin Luther King Jr., which means silent about corrupt acts are active catalyst on such act.
No government administration can succeed in the war against corruption when the people subject to them refuses to give them their support. A Chinese Proverb says "When the wind of Change blows, some people build walls and others build windmills". Yes, it is bound to happen, but when the percentage of people building windmills is very low to the percentage building walls, there is a problem. When we feel unconcerned, the strive of the government is sure to end in vanity.
Carrie Chapman Catt says "No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion." That is, when people decide to give their support on anything, it is bound to be a success.
Corruptions are cankerworm to the economy of this great nation; then, why not stand against it for the betterment of this country? Time to stop feeling unconcerned, time to stop folding arms, time to show more concern, time to act against corrupt practices, time to fight corruption without any mind of receiving gratuity.
From my own point of view, I will say receiving gratuity for fighting corruption or exposing a corrupt person is much of a way of corrupting people rather than fighting it. It is a way of bribery which is equally corruption. That is not the kind of orientation that should be pass across to the people of this great nation.
In that way, people fight corruption to acquire wealth, not because they see it as their responsibility. The government should give people good reasons to stand against corruption other than wealth making.
Let's all stand against corruption for the future of this country and the coming generation, let's take it as our civil role and patriotic responsibility and not a way of making wealth, by this way, this country will be a peaceful and corruption minimal home. Thanks. #Corruption #FightAgainstCorruption
Written By: Olusola Damilare E.

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