Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Conclusion - The Pen of Light

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Conclusion

Join The Champions
“The quality of your armoury will determine your performance in the face of battle”
-‘Deji David
Your decisions determine your destiny. A change in decision results in a change in direction which in turn alters your destination. So at any point you discover you have been heading in a wrong direction, all you need to do is to change the decision that got you into that direction. Your decisions control your life.
Hope lies in just one decision. A conclusion to settle for right living and not join any form of deceit on campus. A human bad egg becomes good by changing the rules that govern his life. The rules of right living transform people into society builders.
You can make a change by making the decision to succeed in the higher institution; a decision that will involve the help of God and secure your destiny. Every true decision comes with a bold confession; so confess to be up and right always:

“Today I make a new decision to turn from all form of evil; I choose to live a life of righteousness and forsake all sin; I confess and release myself to the help of Jesus; To see me through school and get me fully prepared for life; I believe that by this decision and declaration, I am a new person, a champion; and I will succeed in the Higher Institution and in life. Amen!”
Having made this declaration; join other young people doing great exploits both on campus and in their various careers; we are called champions. Join us online and gain access to more resources that will help you grow and stay committed and succeeding.
Join us online on facebook: OR send a text starting with “I AM A CHAMPION” include your names, phone number, school and location. Text to 08170407813.
You Will Succeed
You are not a failure until you quit. For my young friends who have not had the privilege of quickly gaining an admission, I believe you would agree this book has come at the right time. Cheer up! It is better to go to battle prepared and finish strong than go unprepared and returned deformed.
When you think you have failed, re-channel your thoughts. It is easier to gain an admission than to prove it. Getting into the higher institution is not as important as what you become at the end. Many come out older but less wise.
There is nothing more like being fully prepared for the task ahead; especially when you realize there are oppositions and that you need more than you believed was enough to overcome. Remember that “the quality of your armoury will determine your performance in the face of battle”. Be sensitive and prepared. I believe this book has helped you in this light. I pray that you will not only stand through; but at the end you will stand out.

Written by 'Deji David Olanrewaju
Arise Newtwork Champions Family

Call +2348145286945 OR Send Message to for soft copy in PDF or XPS format

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