Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter One - The Pen of Light

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter One

Chapter One - The Current Structure

“Not all that glitters are gold”
– Anonymous
If it is not gold though glittering, it should not go for the price of gold.
The present academic system is hardly a reformation strategy. When information cases to empower, it becomes mental poison to individuals and the society at large.
The higher institutions have become a sea of mental contention; commotion of ideas and confusion. There is a raging battle of powers trying to establish ideas and cultures. There is an invasion of pollution to corrupt the minds of young people. With a large and yet increasing number of universities, colleges and polytechnics, and mass intake of students yearly, how much proof have we recorded?

The academic system is a battlefield for two main reasons:
        i.            Young ones are the future and the battle is a war of destiny, to capture the future.
      ii.            More than ever, academia is accepted as a must for relevance in the society. Whatever is allowed in the academic environment is perceived to be the basic requirement for success in life. This has made school a target for polluting young minds instead of empowering them.
Unknown to many, there is a war over your destiny. This is the reason for the yearly unexplainable ritual of months of strike in higher institutions, the constant disagreement between the government and intellectuals despite the presence of former lecturers in political offices. This also goes to explain the declining moral standard despite increasing budget allocation to education. The battle is beyond academic intelligence. A bag full of degrees cannot handle the mess; and the rage is all for your glorious destiny. Have you ever wondered why the government gives in to young boys called terrorists? Or why professors join cultism? It is because, the ‘profs’ have realized that the assumed supremacy of degrees is lost. The foolish is confounding the wise.
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These trends have opened the academic environment to a vast invasion of destiny destroying norms that have swallowed up academic integrity. Sure, education is the key to development. But when the structure refuses to serve its purpose, it will sure permit a counterfeit. The present academic structure has deflated academics of its informing and reforming capacity. A sky scraper cannot stand on three foot dip foundation.
The entire structure works out to point to the fact that parents are not left out of the deception. I pray good people learn how to add value to good concepts. A parent would pay almost any amount to bribe a child’s way into the oppressive system and get back to Church testifying to God’s goodness. God have mercy on you!
Moisture is suitable for environment for harmful micro-organisms. Corruption, bribery, cultism, oppression, delay, sexual harassment, nudity, hooliganism and more are now norms on campus.
These truths are not to scare you. Yes the environment is toxic; yet, it is necessary and possible you win the war against your glorious destiny. In school, destinies are moulded while some are destroyed. You have the choice to determine your outcome. These truths will arm you. I assure you; you will win.

To be Continued.....

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