Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter two - The Pen of Light

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter two

Chapter Two – Purpose

“When the Purpose of a thing is Unknown, Abuse is inevitable”-Myles Munroe.

I got into the university environment I was unprepared for; and before long I joined a cult group. Whether lured in or kidnapped, does it really matter? Life went on as months rolled by and I got lost in darkness. Today, I am what I am by His grace. I am out of the pit and free forever.
The primary reason a good kid will forget parental advice and join a bad association is the lack of knowledge of purpose. Though brilliant, well-funded, loaded with advice, I had to face a wilderness I was not armed enough to wade through. I did not know the rules that work school environment.

School environment can either make you or break you. Running with clear cut purpose will help you maintain the success track. As you gain admission, you must know the reason why you are going in. You must have a clear cut defined purpose that you keep handy. Know your purpose off hand like you know your name. Let it guide you through every decision. The consciousness of your purpose will help you make the right choices even if folks think you are odd. Knowing your destination like you know yourself will help you discover deceptive invitations and escape them. Have a good mental description of what you are out to achieve in school.
Some young ones are in school to earn a first class; some are out for the mere experience of schooling and get into business and money making. For me, having retraced my steps, I discovered I was in school not just to study but to help others know and avoid the pitfalls. This I did and I am still doing.
Please note; it is dangerous when someone else knows you more than you do. When the enemy knows your destination more than you do, you are a grand failure. The cult boys saw me as a ‘material’. I was deceived and thought the ‘big boys group’ would enhance my success on and after campus. They could see me doing their gang good. I sure did. Active and passionate about my rise among many other group members, I was giving the devil my best. You dare not talk to me anyhow. I was in the droning experience until Jesus pulled me out.
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 I pray you realize how great you are and how much good you can do before the deception on campus begins luring you. This is the reason why this book has come your way; to help you know what is ahead and just how o ride safely. When you do not know your destination in today’s world, a counterfeit will buy you cheaply. Clearly define your purpose for schooling; preferably before you get in; and if not, you can do define one right now.
How to Define Your Purpose
The purpose for going to the school you chose and the course you are to study should be guided by your interest, passion and gifts. Never ever allow anyone impose these decisions on you. Be however open to quality advice from parents and counselors. Do not do things because others do. The differences in fingerprints and faces also apply to interests.
The questions below will help you define your goals. Give sincere answers to the questions and write down your answer;
-          What matters most to you in life?
-          What do you really want to achieve in life?
-          What careers will you feel comfortable settling with in the future? (in the future, not necessarily now)
-          What kinds of grade(s) will help you achieve your desired future?
-          What do your sponsors/parents expect from you?
-          What will you need to achieve to be a positive impact to your society and nation?
Having considered these questions with sincerely written out conclusions, stick to your decisions like glue. God help you!

To be Continued.....

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