Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Introduction - The Pen of Light

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Introduction

“What You Do Not Know Can Kill You”- Anonymous
There are two basic reasons for the excitement and zeal displayed by secondary school finalists;
-          the desire to advance in professional pursuit and move on in life; and
-          the perceived need for freedom to do whatever they feel and not be fully controlled by parents and guardians.
There is certainly nothing wrong with moving and being free. Freedom however has rules; it is not always a gift. More importantly, it is not always permanent. It is one thing to be free and another to remain free.
As a young boy preparing to graduate from secondary school, I eagerly looked forward to an early admission considering my good performance in school. I had great zeal to get off the hook of my parents. I actually believed I had all I needed to forge ahead, I am brilliant, remember? Funny enough, my parents thought the same way. We were not totally wrong; but beyond academic soundness I needed a level of maturity and good knowledge of the new environment to be able to stand and overcome the choking evil schemes on campus. This is a crucial requirement for sustaining the perceived freedom.
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Before long though with regrets, I realized that the desire to be free is actually a cry for burden; a load I was not prepared enough to bear.
Today you hear of a lot of double promotion in schools. Young ones are open promotion in schools. Young ones are open to vast opportunities of leaping above necessary platforms; and the result in many of such cases? Immature children having to face life they are too feeble to handle.
Today, school life is practically a wilderness experience. In the higher institution, you either make the future or mar it. I now know from experience that most parents do not know what actually runs in school. They soon realize that lots of provision, a fat bank account, prayers and showers of advice may not be enough to keep mummy’s boy innocent. If you do not understand the wilderness route, your luxury can turn school life into a misery. I pray you will not regret going to school. Many do. But I believe God that in these few pages, your eyes will open to see and conquer in the conquest for your destiny.
 A brief waiting period before admission may do you some good. Early admission or a little later; whichever case you find yourself, make sure you are prepared to succeed in the higher institution.
For a few of us, we had no double promotions, yet no delay in admission, and still not strong enough to face the race. So I fell. You will not fall!
A popular adage says; ‘he who fails to plan, plans to fail’. This book will help you know what is ahead and just how to ride safely.

To be Continued....

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