Anode to the Moon - The Pen of Light

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Anode to the Moon

With the setting of the sun,
The reign of darkness is born
The shadows once looming now come to the fore
Men retire weak and weary
The day is gone…now it’s all scary
The evils of the night have gathered about to make merry
But the skies shout, “tarry”

From the emptiness of the night, bursting forth with such energy and power
First a blink, then a dim…behold a great, gray grandiose ball.
The Moon!
The Prince of dusks,
Your glow cast on earth like Morgana’s spell
The clouds hover around you the secrets of the skies they wish to learn
Your splendor turns the scary cold night to a perfect pleasant paradise
Beacon of hope,
You prepare humankind for the glorious rising of the sun
Yet in humility you withdraw and miss the spectacle
Maiden of the night
Your splendor drives me to the point of madness
A point, sages of old embraced with gladness
Tales by your light still fills our memories, their lessons invaluable
Myths surround your existence some though unbelievable
We cannot but tank the creator for a gift such as your creation.
O Moon!!
Athena’s glowing white orb, mountain of light in a valley of darkness
Your presence soothes my soul; your beauty fills mu heart with gladness
O how I wish to be wrapped in your milky arm so together with the heavenly host
We may to the glory of the Creator raise a toast
O Moon!!!
My glorious moon
My Moon…
“the moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves.It perfectly understands what it means to be human…uncertain,alone, cratered by imperfection yet shines through it all”…Tahereh Mafi

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