Time Management - The Pen of Light

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Monday, January 23, 2017

Time Management

These days, people are complaining that they do not have or cannot find enough time to do things. It is not a question of insufficient time; everybody has 24 hours a day.
The most important thing we should realize about time is its precious, and cannot be recovered; money or possessions lost can be earn or obtain back, but not time lost. We should realize that the PAST is gone; we cannot bring it back. THE FUTURE is to a good extent, depends on what we do NOW. So use your time judiciously in the PRESENT and you are on the road to achievement and success.
Consider the following quotes, so as to value your time:
§  Time is man’s most precious asset. All men neglect the loss of it; nothing can be done without it. – Voltaire
§  Kill time and kill you career – B.C. Forbes
§  Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of its shortness. – La Bruyere
§  He who gains time gains everything. – Benjamin Distreali
§  Time is the scarcest resources and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. – Peter Drucker
§  Money lost can be earned back, but time lost can never be obtained again. – Oke Ayodeji S
Plan and Follow a Program: As a human person one needs to plan well, as one adage says “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail” our program or time table has to be practical and realistic. Remember we must make it a point to follow our program as much as we can. We must be honest; because, we can’t cheat ourselves.
Always Be Punctual: These days much of our time are wasted because we don’t practice punctuality, train your mind to be mindful, set the clock, write it down on your notice board, keep memo pad with you or use any other effective method to improve punctuality. We should set a good example by being punctual. Precious time is saved.
Practice Strong Discipline: Some people will say “I do have a time table, but I cannot follow it” this is a common lame excuse among so many people remember that great mental discipline is essential to attain success in whatever we are undertaking.
Don’t Waste Time: Time is a priceless commodity; we must learn to use our time wisely. Time waits for nobody. Think, how much time have you wasted?
·         Day dreaming and fantasizing
·         Gossiping and indulging in empty talk
·         Over sleeping and dreaming
·         Idling while waiting, queuing up, traveling
·         Over watching TV, video, playing computer games, chit-chatting on the internet.
If we have been wasting our time on all these, it’s time we took stock of and check things and turn a new leave.

In conclusion, I want you to know that time has no close substitute; once the time has gone it cannot be rewind back. So as a human person use your time very well. When you have decided on an action to take, do not wait; if you hesitate, you may be too late.

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