Greed - The Pen of Light

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Monday, January 23, 2017


“And God saw all that He created and behold it was good” (Gen 1:31)
Alas! I doubt if God can say same today,
Consumerism, Materialism, Individualism are fast becoming the order of the day,
In this world created in biblical 7 days,
With Eve’s bite of the apple, the world’s order was disabled,
Men became overly interested in the goods of their fellow men,
Forgetting the fact that they own same and even better.
Fast becoming the creed of this generation,
Gradually plunging nations to destruction,
That’s why the poor are poorer, the rich richer,
Economies are collapsing ‘cos currencies are falling lower,
The irony of the case is that the good earth has provided enough for man’s need
‘Cos at the heart of every creation story is the fact that man was created last…
This is not by chance…
God took care of man’s need even in advance
But we forget this fact in a glance and to greed’s arm we dance
Thinking perchance we will be comfortable
Unknown to us that God’s heart we pierce with a lance
The cause of strife amidst brotherly bond,
Causing love to abscond like Voldemort’s wand,
Thereby causing more harm than good,
To me and to you…
And so I put my hand on my chest and pledge from now till I rest
To be content and grateful ‘cos life is gracious and beautiful

“The world has enough for everyone’s need but never for anyone’s greed”… Mahatma Gandhi.

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