THE WIND OF CHANGE - The Pen of Light

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Sunday, September 18, 2016


The wind has dipped it’s finger into my eye.
My vision has become blur.
Because of the wind of change
Where friends go I dare not.
My abilities fail tore.
Their midst, I elude.
Duckinly, I enter.

Because of the wind of change
Places I use to go, I deviate;
My stamina fluctuates.
Alone, I journey.
I have despise all
Because of the wind of change.
Nay! It is me they despise.
Solitude has become my hobby.
Mockingly they inquire,
Jestfully, I dare not require.
Because of the wind of change
Those who dare not whisper when I talk
Now talk when I whisper.
My crew now consider me screw.
Wit talent turns lent;
Because of the wind of change
That I see with my ear;
Even in my solitary.
My sense lose their senses.
My sight lost its eye
Because of the wind of change,
My hearing lost its ear.
My vision has become blur.
Change in all around; I see.
Truly, this is irrigusting
Because of the wind of change.
O Thou who changest not change.
Dust and its like have been caught into my eye.
My eye ooo! My eye ooo!! I cry
Because of the wind of change.
This wind of change is indeed change provoking;
But I have become too heavy for the wind of change.
Change! Change!! Change!!! I hear.
Change we need.
Because of the wind of change;
Restoration I seek;
Clear vision I need.
The Climate has changed.
2050 is the only hope I have got.
Because of the wind of change
My vision has become blur.
The wind has dipped its finger into my eye.

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