Food for Thoughts - The Pen of Light

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Food for Thoughts

Understand this, my child;
An ungrateful soul
Wreak more havoc
Than an armed robbery
Those who receive without appreciation
Are but pains to the heart of the giver.

Understand I do,
Of the important of gratitude
But then, looking around, I asked
For what am I to be thankful?
A seeking pilgrim,
Misses not his route;
Abundant they are,
The reasons for gratitude;

The miracle of our being,
The wonder of our creator,
The reality of family,
The beauty of friendship,
The grace of ability;
These are reasons for gratitude
The rise and dawn of the day,
The complementarity of male and female
The gracefulness of nature,
The possibility of others’ help,
The joy of helping others
The activities of the day
The rest of the night
All these realities are outside of our capabilities
But gifts they are from the Donor
For which we need be grateful
For in gratitude, the more we receive.

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