Successful People that had Failed in the past - The Pen of Light

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Successful People that had Failed in the past

Successful people in every field are often said to be “blessed” with “talent” or even just lucky. But the truth is, many worked harder than the average person can even imagine.
Many successful people you see today failed countless times, but they are very industrious, ambitious and focused that they didn’t give up and eventually they become star in their fields.

Ø  He cried home after been evicted from the high school basket competition. But he didn’t give up and he became a six time basket ball champion – Michael Jordan
Ø  His teacher said that he is the dullest student in the class. But he never give up and he became one of the best scientist – Albert Einstein
Ø  He attempted presidential election three times and failed. But his persistence won him presidency the fourth time. – Gen. Muhammadu Buhari
Ø  I had failed too much, it is not worth living anymore, I will rather commit suicide. But he didn’t give up and at 80 he became a billionaire – Colonel Sanders KFC
Ø  He ran after trains and buses selling newspaper and in the evening fruits. And he became one of the greatest inventors. – Thomas Edison
Ø   A son of a poor canoe maker, but his hard work earn him six years presidency in Nigeria. – Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
Ø  He was fired from the Kansa City Star because his editor felt he “lacked imagination and no good ideas”. But he didn’t give up and he becomes the guy who redefined American Childhood. – Walt Disney
Ø  She was publicly fired from her first television job as an anchor in Baltimore for getting “too emotionally invested in her stories”, but she  rebounded and became the undisputed queen of television talk shows before amassing a media empire.- Oprah Winfred
Ø  He was rejected by the University of Southern California School of cinematic Arts multiple times. But He went on to create the first summer blockbuster with Jaws in 1995 and won three Academy Awards. – Steven Spielberg
Ø  He had a series of failed retail ventures throughout his early career. But he never gave up and launched one of the largest department store chains in the world. – R. H. Macy
Ø  He was ostracized by the Japanese business community. But he stayed focused and made one of the best cars. – Soichiro Honda
Ø  He dropped out of Yale after having trouble adjusting to the culture and his classes, and he become drop out for good. – Dick Cheney
Ø  He will stay up until two in the morning reading about software after he sold his company and worked seven years without vacation. - Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks)
Ø  A Harvard University dropout and co-owner of a failed business called Traf-O-Data. Driven by his passion for computer programming, He built what would become the world's largest software company. – Bill Gates (Microsoft)

Ø  After his very first performance his manager said, "You aren’t going nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck." Fortunately, He, a hard-headed man, just couldn't help believing in himself, and returned that advice to sender and He went on to sell more than 1 billion records globally. - Elvis Presley
Morals: Behind every smile is an untold story of pain, that you failed once doesn't mean you are a failure. Keep trying and your success is ahead.

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