Friends - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, December 10, 2016


1. Don't call them FRIENDS because you shared a secret with them. They become true FRIENDS when they keep the secrets you shared.
2. A man who has too many FRIENDS may just be feeding his enemies with his personal information. Make your inner circle few.

3. Acquaintances love to see you strong all the time but Great FRIENDS connect with you even in your vulnerable and weak moments.
4. They call themselves FRIENDS but your Success unsettles them; they are simply terrorists in bishop's regalia.
5. When your FRIENDS go through challenging times, don't wait to see how others will respond before you decide to stand with them. Be Loyal!
6. Best FRIENDS aren't chosen. They emerge during the worst seasons of life. They run in when others are running out.
7. Get rid of FRIENDS who make you feel unnecessary.
8. You don't have to impress real FRIENDS. The impression has already been made, that's why you're friends.
9. Don't take your True FRIENDS for granted. Don't make an enemy out of a genuine FRIEND because of your carelessness and thoughtlessness.Don't trash the treasure God has given you. You will REGRET it later.
10. FRIENDS give value all the time. They are sacrificial and not transactional. They seek to give and not just to receive.

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