The Lord Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me (Ps. 138:8a)
This topic is a divine promise of God. What is the meaning of this word “Promise?”
Promise is an assurance that you will do something or that something will happen. So, let put it this way that “an assurance that God will do something or that something will happen.”
And so, what has God promised us? He promised us so many things but I will just list out some of His promises:
V He promised to perfect all that concerns us (Ps. 138:8)
V He promised his protection. (Ps. 91, Is 54:17)
V He promised us peace. (Is 2: 4)
V He promised us strength (Is 40:31)
V He promised to heal our lands (Is 41:18)
V He promised to fight our battles (Ex 14:14; Ex 23:22)
V He promised us treasures that have been stolen from us (Is 45:3). And all other promises of God for Us.
The promises of God to us are in fact endless. But often we ask this question “Is God Ever Faithfull in His Promises?”
Why do we ask such question? We ask such questions when we don’t receive what we ask for. But the truth is that “God is always faithful in his word. Yes! He is.” The scripture says “God is not a man that lies”
But when we ask and we don’t receive what we ask at that particular time, we think God don’t answer prayer or He doesn’t keep his promises anymore, or that he has forgiven us, even when the scripture says “If Heaven and Earth Pass Away, None of My Words Will Go Unfulfilled”
We have so many examples of fulfilled promises in the scripture. Let’s look at some of them:
V In Deuteronomy, He promised to make Israelites to be feared by all nations, and the manifestation of which we see in the book of Number 22. When they were about to enter Moab. (Deut 2:25
V Another example is that in the book of Genesis when He promised to bless Abraham. (Gen 12:3)
V Also in the book of Exodus He promised to fight for his people and in the book 2nd Chronicles we can see the wonderful way that God used in fighting for his people Israelites (Ex. 14:14, 2ndChron. 20) And so many other promises that God has fulfilled even in your live knowingly or unknowingly.
Why Do You Ask and Don’t Receive?
If we pray and we don’t receive what we ask, it’s not that God did not answer our prayer but there are that we don’t pay attention to but are very important in the Christian life.
You don’t receive what you ask because:
V You don’t ask what God plan for you. (James 4:13-17) Hear the word of God, He says “For I Know the Plan I Have For You, Thought of Good and Not Of Evil…”
V When you are living a sinful life (James 5:16; Is 1:15-20; John 8:34, Rom 6:1, Ps 118:20)
V Anger (Matt 5:21; Eph 4:26)
V Wickedness (Prov. 4:16)
V Lack of Faith: (Heb 11:1-40)Without faith we cannot receive anything from God
V Impatience: Every time you pray, God speaks to you, but you are occupied and don’t listen to God. Whenever you, take your time to listen to God because he will surely speak to you. It is not the number of hour you spent praying that matters, but the minutes you stay with God listening to him. It is in listening to him that you know the direction and solution to your problem that is when you won’t be running around over solved problems. Many problems are already solved, but you won’t listen to the voice of God telling you.
What to Do
V Confess your sins (Rom 4:7-8)
V Be merciful to others (Matt. 4:7-8)
V Ask God for Guidance (1st Sam. 30:6-8)
V Fervent Prayer (Mark 9:29, John 16:24, Col 4:2)
V Have Faith (2nd Cor. 5:9, Eph 6:16, Gal 2:16)
V Study the word of God: (Josh 1:8, Matt. 4:2, 2nd Cor. 10:4) Like Saint Padre Pio Said “Through the Study of Books We Seek God, By Meditating We Finds Him.”
V Finally, Be Patience: If you can pray for five hours, wait for reply from God for five minutes. We are so Occupy with the things of this world that we can’t even wait for God to speak to us for five minutes. All we do is to pour out our mind to God without listening to the way out, and then we keep running here and there. May God Help you help you listen and follow his will. Thanks!
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