I Know a Girl - The Pen of Light

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Friday, September 23, 2016

I Know a Girl

I know a girl born black,
But wants to be black no more
She craves now to be white,
For, she sees black as condemned.
I know a girl so beautiful, wealthy and free
But now she thinks herself imprisoned and lost.
This beauty another man saw and raped her of.

I know a girl, who doesn’t want to live,
Just because she was born rough,
And harmed by men under the shade,
And cajoled by lovers and gone.
This girl so beautiful and black I wish to be with
And as I came closer I saw the fears and tears.
Then I told her “it shall be better.”

I told her black is beauty and blessed,
I told her black is unique and special
I told her black is meant to be tough.
And now I know a girl black and beautiful
Who now wants to glitter like silver in the sun,
I know someone so special for her ebony and black,
I know Nigerian,
I know Africa.

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