Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter Four - The Pen of Light

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Preparing To Succeed In The Higher Institution - Chapter Four

Maximizing School Life
“Life is a profitable venture, live today in view of securing tomorrow”
– Deji David
The higher institution is a life training centre; you learn far beyond academics. Beyond the threats, there still exist the life building benefits of the academic environment. Education remains the key to national transformation as long as it empowers. Your ability to be well positioned to maximize the benefits of this environment is very important. Many folks advice you allow the school pass through you as much as you pass through school. This theorem means different things to different people. So I do not recommend it as a philosophy.
Maximizing school life means achieving your purpose for being in school and having proof to show as you graduate from the higher institution. It also means making the best use of the experiences – whether convenient or not. If people can make it where others fail, then you too can make it. In fact I believe you will make it. The higher institution should mould you into a life gainer. I do not believe in stagnation because a graduate is unable to secure an employment. You should have been prepared for life out there. Be prepared enough to throw your certificate in the face of unemployment and go start something for yourself if it gets to that. As this book prepares you for school, school should get you ready for life. In fact, life starts in school. But the present academic environment is void of the basic preparatory tools for success in life. To be successful in school, give the following aspects of life due attention while in the higher institution: academics, business/career, spiritual, relationship, social, personal/gifts.
Here are hints to make you productive in these areas.
- Academic Success
Just like in other fields, academic success takes hard work. In fact, the nature of the present academic system makes it harder. Nonetheless, the possibility of coming out with outstanding grades is possible. I present to you secrets that would make even a dullard come out with good grades in school.
*                    Associate constantly with brilliant folks in class. You are a summary of those you move with. Look for, and make friends with those better than you in all courses; learn from them and they will naturally brush you up in weak areas. Pride keeps some students from stooping low to associate with others or from asking for help from others. You know you do not do well in school work? Stop forming class and being proud, move close to those better than you are. Be open to let them know you need them to help you understand studies better. It always works. You become wise when you move with the wise. You mature in stupidity when you head in the opposite direction. Your association determines your position.
*                    Have planned and personal reading time. Create time when you personally withdraw to study apart from general class time. This is very necessary.
*                    Read ahead of the class and lecturer; this keeps you ahead even in grades.
*                    Obey all rules in the examination hall. Imagine having prepared well, a student gets implicated for malpractice because of those sitting close to you; I pray this never happens to you. Stay clear of unserious people and back benchers. Possibly, sit far from known faces to avoid distraction.
*                    Understand what your lecturer wants during examination. This is very important! The higher institution is not secondary school. Your presentation of answers during examinations goes a long way in determining your scores. Many students write correct answers but choke them up amidst explanations. Go straight to the required point and then explain if necessary. Lecturers generally hate the stress of searching for answers in long notes.
*                    Monitor your results.
*                    Pray about all courses. Put God in it all.
- Relationship
The higher institution is a great place to find your life partner. This however has to be done with rapt caution. New students need not indulge in intimate relationship. Give yourself some time to build good grades and understand the present environment.
One major thing you need to be able to handle a relationship is maturity. Being in love or thinking you are can bring instability. One reason why many young ones find it hard to stick to one person and/or handle disappointment is immaturity. If the last trial-relationship messed up, they conclude life is that way and remain under that mental siege. Besides, relationships are not meant to be tried. You may keep trying forever to end nowhere. The right person is consciously located, not stumbled upon. You need a level of maturity and guidance. There are adults and counselors gifted and trained with this credibility and that can help you before asking for, or saying yes. Also take time to read books on relationship and finding a life partner. Do not crumble your future on wrong feelings today.
- Spiritual Growth
The need to build spiritual tenacity is incontestable. You must be dedicated to continuous spiritual development in order to be able to resist the temptations on campus. All things boil down to the supernatural. The reason why this book is in your hand is a spiritual process. The war on campus over your great future is a product of conclusions beyond the physical realm. When a man loses touch with his origin, he may be headed for a vague destination. If you do not remain in touch with the Lord, you will miss the whole essence of life and the present academic system will be too thick a dark cloud to wade through.
Be diligent in the study of God’s Word, make it a daily practice. Maintain a consistent prayer life. Also, get involved in Kingdom service; engage in the work force in a reputable Bible believing Church. Interact with people you know can help you up the ladder of the Spirit. Iron sharpens iron.
- Socialization
Relax when you need to. Rest does no harm to you; instead it helps to rejuvenate and regain strength. Socializing is not necessarily partying, and definitely not smoking and drinking of alcohol. Cool your nerves and go for a soft drink. Travel briefly if you need a change of environment. Go swimming. Organize a decent feast. Take a walk. Watch good movies. Go visiting friends. Get into calm environment to relax and refresh. There is wisdom in resting!
Many however turn rest into a lifestyle. This is wrong! Get good rest when necessary and opt back to hard work and diligent engagement of productive lifestyle and practices!
- Personal Development
School is a great place to discover and begin to manifest your talents. Do not neglect your natural abilities even if it has nothing to do with your course of study. Do not go into regrets when you discover your course of study has nothing to do with your gifts and natural ability. Invest time and money to engage what you have passion for. Attend seminars and workshops. Buy and read books. Take external and professional courses. Go for information training. More importantly, serve for free in order to be trained. The more you work at your natural abilities, the better you become. Stop running around for money as your primary goal, especially at this level of life, though you can be offered some change. Working with your gifts means oiling them. Your gifts are the quickest mediums to bring you success. Start out gradually, you will thank yourself you did.

To be Continued.....

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