The Power to Succeed - The Pen of Light

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Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Power to Succeed

            The bible passage above is the story of a Prophet’s Widow who cried to Prophet Elisha for help. We see how Prophet Elisha helped her. But we should also note that He helped her with what she (the widow) has even though she never knew she had it. This is to tell us that every human person is created with the ability to be successful because He (God) has given us what we need to be great and become somebody in life.
            The widow came to him (Prophet Elisha) and started telling stories that are known before; instead of telling him what she wants she started telling stories, how her husband died, how he was a God fearing man and all those unnecessary stories. This is how many people act in the face of trouble, instead of saying what you have come for; you will start telling unnecessary stories. But the Prophet asked “What shall I do for you?” He didn’t allow her to answer the question because she will start telling other stories, then he asked again “Tell me, what have you got at home?”
            At this point, the widow never knew she has what she will live on, she thought all was lost, or perhaps she knew she had something but she knew not the usefulness. Then she hopelessly said “Nothing at all, except a small jar of Olive oil” The prophet asked her that to know whether she has lost all hope, even thou he can help her with without asking what she has got, yet he decided to ask. Many times temptation ask what we have got, what our hope is. But she has the Olive oil but didn’t know the usefulness; she didn’t know how a small olive oil could turn to money until she met Prophet Elisha.
That is your life is, you have the resources you need to be successful but you need someone to help you make good use of it. Aren’t the widow didn’t go to Prophet Elisha at that point in time she would have used the Oil uselessly. This is to tell you that you can’t succeed alone, you need people around you, you need friends and family, you need councilors and advisers.
To be successful, you need to note two things; 1. Discover you talent, your jar of olive oil 2. Discover your own Prophet Elisha, your right adviser, your right councilor, your best friend that influence your life positively, the people of success, the people of faith. You have lots of Prophets around you; they are your friend, family, colleagues and the people that influence you. But not until you meet Prophet Elisha, the right adviser, the friends that has positive influence on your life, your family, you are going nowhere.

Discover Your Jar of Olive Oil and Go to Your Prophet Elisha Then, You Are Close To Success

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