It's Never Too Late - The Pen of Light

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's Never Too Late

“It’s never too late.”
No matter what is cycling through your head at this very moment, it’s never too late to set goals, to change your life. (Really, it’s not.) Often the hardest part to getting started is overcoming that overwhelmed feeling – the one that occupies your mind when you contemplate all that you have to do at once.

You think about how long it will take; what sacrifices you have to make. You become bewildered by the endless details and fall back to the comfortable feeling of saying you’ll start next Monday or at the beginning of next month.
Today is the day you put that kind of thinking behind you. Today, focus on taking the first step toward your most cherished goal. Take care of the first detail right now, whatever it may be. Start exercising, dieting or looking for a new job. You know what you need to do.
It’s not too late to get started.

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